Publication date:March 26, 2020
This report focuses on the status of the cybersecurity education system and the inability to attract more students in studying cybersecurity and to produce graduates with “the right cybersecurity knowledge and skills”. It argues that many of the current issues in cybersecurity education could be lessened by redesigning educational and training pathways that define knowledge and skills which students should possess upon graduation and after entering the labour market. Four countries – Australia, France, the United Kingdom and the United States – have attempted to rethink cybersecurity degrees using certifications.
In this context, ENISA created the Cybersecurity Higher Education Database, which is an interactive database of cybersecurity degrees in EEA countries and Switzerland.
ENISA - Cybersecurity Higher Education Database
This unique database lists cybersecurity degrees in EU, EFTA, and other European countries and aims at becoming the main point of reference for all citizens looking to upskill their knowledge in the cybersecurity field. Created by European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), this database allows young talents to make informed decisions on the variety of possibilities offered by higher education in cybersecurity and helps universities attract high-quality students motivated in keeping Europe cyber-secure.
Access the tool: Cybersecurity Higher Education Database
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